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How (and WHY) to Boil a Whole Chicken!

June 27, 2013

So recently my husband and I started budgeting.  Yes, I know we’re a little late to the bandwagon. (This is afterall, our fourth year of marriage.)  Blame it on the “honeymoon phase” I guess.  It was too much fun to wander the aisles of Kroger together, splurging on fancy cheeses and bottles of wine.  It was too much fun flying by the seat of our pants eating whatever sounded good for dinner on any given evening, making multiple trips to the grocery store per week.  And then, we had a little girl.  And then a few other little reality checks hit us… and four years into the game, mama’s finally learnin’ how to budget!

Actually it is quite fun.  It’s almost like a game!  See how much you can save on groceries.  See how hot you can stand your house to be in the summer.  That sort of thing!

A favorite quote of mine is “Use it up. Wear it out.  Make it do. Or do without!”  And I feel like those are exactly the skills I am learning as we enter this new phase of being more thoughtful about our expenses.  I go to the grocery store once a week, and if we guzzle all our milk too early… we go without it for a day or two!  And that’s just that.

So enough about us.  What I want to talk about today is chicken.

Guys.  Do you REALIZE how cheap it is to buy a whole chicken? (Yep, that price tag says $5.71… for name brand too!)


For sooooo long I’ve been buying frozen boneless skinless chicken breasts.  And not only are they pricier, they’re a tad boring!  You have to do some pretty hefty marinating/seasoning to give those bad boys flavor.  Plus they dry out easily, so how you cook them (and how long) is important.

Now I’m not bashing boneless skinless breasts across the board.  They have their place. Particularly if you’re serving a “piece” of chicken (grilled for example) as the main dish of your meal.  But if you plan on shredding or chopping the chicken (perhaps for quesadillas, soup, pasta, or a myriad of other delights) then I urge you to try purchasing bone-in, skin-on chicken.  Not only is it easy on the pocketbook, you’ll find you get a LOT of flavor and function out of the humble $5-dollar whole fryer.  (More about that later.  Read on!)


The two major drawbacks of the humble $5-dollar whole fryer are:  1) Time- This method is definitely not a time-saver compared to buying boneless/skinless.  And 2) What I call the “Gag Factor”- Handling it raw and pulling off the fat and skin later is DISGUSTING.  I’ve done it dozens of times and it never ceases to gag me.  (Just keeping it real here!)  But that is what we “Proverbs Thirty One-derful” women do.  We make these little sacrifices in order to make wise use of our family’s budget and provide them with healthful, delicious meals!  (My sweet hubby coined the phrase “Proverbs Thirty One-derful” and it tickles me to death!)

Ok, so let’s cook up some chicken!

Here’s what you need:

    – A chicken.(Did I mention you can also buy bone-in, skin-on chicken already cut up?  It’s usually just as cost effective and (bonus) makes handling the meat much simpler!)

    -Some celery, rinsed. (None of these amounts are exact; just a few stalks is fine.)

    -Some carrots

    -Some garlic (Don’t bother peeling off the casing)

    -Some onion (Again, don’t bother to peel.)

    -Herbs (Dried are just as good as fresh. I like to use rosemary and thyme.)

    -Pepper and salt (peppercorns work well too if you have them.)



First, plop the chicken into a large pot or Dutch oven.

Boiling a Whole ChickenNow wash your hands and pat yourself on the back.  You are hereby declared “Proverbs Thirty One-derful” because you handled a disgusting raw chicken.  Your children will call you blessed.


Ok, now just add in the vegetables!  No need to peel or chop… we will strain all this out later.

Boiling a Whole Chicken >> Pretty/Hungry Blog~

Next throw in the herbs and add about 1/2 Tablespoon each of salt and pepper.  (Some people leave out the salt until they are actually using the broth, and that is fine!  I prefer to salt now.)

Boiling a Whole Chicken >> Pretty/Hungry Blog~

Now just cover the contents of the pot with water.


Place a lid on the pot…


And bring it to a boil!

Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat to Medium-Low and allow the chicken to simmer, covered, for about 45 minutes.  (If you’re using cut up chicken pieces, it’ll probably only take 35 minutes or so.)

After the 45 minutes are up, turn off the heat and use tongs (and a friend if needed!) to lift the chicken onto a cutting board.

Boiling a Whole Chicken >> Pretty/Hungry Blog


Let it cool there for at least 15 minutes.

Boiling a Whole Chicken >> Pretty/Hungry Blog


Then just get to work pulling off the skin and fat, pulling apart the chicken legs, thighs, wings, etc, and separating all the fabulous meat from the bones.  Don’t throw the bones away!  Add them back to the pot, along with about 3 more cups of water, and bring the broth back to a simmer for another 40 mins-1 hour.  (This is what sets homemade broth apart from all the rest.  It is SO superior.)

Boiling a Whole Chicken >> Pretty/Hungry Blog




Boiling a Whole Chicken >> Pretty/Hungry Blog


And with all the meat you just picked from these bones, you can cook a week’s worth of meals!  Just store the meat in the fridge if you plan to use it within a week or two, or the freezer if you don’t.



When you’ve boiled every last drop of goodness from the bones, place a large heat-proof bowl in the sink and place a large colander over the bowl.

Boiling a Whole Chicken >> Pretty/Hungry Blog



Enlisting the help of a friend again if needed, pour the contents of the pot through the strainer into the bowl.

Boiling a Whole Chicken >> Pretty/Hungry Blog


Now we arrive at Bonus #3 of buying & boiling whole chickens!  Not only do I come away with tons of yummy chicken and a huge bowl of scrumptious broth to use later… I end up with a pile of amazing carrots that my baby seriously gobbles up like candy!  These are (by FAR) her favorite food.  So before I discard all the spent broth components, I like to fish out the carrots, chop them up, and store them in the fridge for Elsa.  (Side Note: If you have a younger baby, you can just as easily mash up these carrots with a fork for spoon-feeding.  And heck, throw in the onions too!  Trust me, your baby will thank you.)

Boiling a Whole Chicken >> Pretty/Hungry Blog


Boiling a Whole Chicken >> Pretty/Hungry Blog


Next just toss the bones and leftover veggies into the trash and behold the majesty that is, homemade chicken broth!

Homemade Chicken Broth >> Pretty/Hungry Blog


I like to store this in the fridge if I’m going to use it within the week. Don’t know what to use homemade chicken broth for?  Here are some yummy soup ideas 🙂

If you don’t plan to use it right away, then here’s what I recommend.

Refrigerate for a few hours, until the fat in the broth hardens on the surface of the liquid in a single layer.  Then you can easily scoop it into the trash with a slotted spoon!  After that, just transfer it to a container for the freezer and tuck it away to pull out sometime when it ISN’T a thousand degrees outside.


And there you have it.  My in-depth tutorial on boiling chicken!  Best of luck, and just remember, if doing this makes you gag… you are in good company 🙂  You Proverbs Thirty One-derful Woman (or man), you!

27 Comments leave one →
  1. June 30, 2013 5:49 pm

    yummy! I usually make mine in the crock pot all day.. but i cooked one this way this morning.. the house smells amazing. I’m trying to convince my husband that it is never too hot for homemade chicken noodle soup!

    • fake Name permalink
      January 6, 2017 3:49 pm

      its always too hot for homemade chicken noodle soup

  2. mafgreene permalink
    January 22, 2015 5:18 am

    Great tutorial! I have a question for you -Why would you throw away the fat aka Schmalz? So many uses.

    • fake Name permalink
      January 6, 2017 3:50 pm

      cause she domt wana get phat

    • May 9, 2017 2:49 am

      I would like to thank you for the endeavors you have made in writing this article. I am going for the same best work from you in the future as well. In fact your covunrsctite writing abilities has urged me to start my own blog now. Really the blogging is spreading its wings rapidly. Your write up is a fine instance of it.

    • May 16, 2017 10:39 am

      have the “hats” of the acorn, which are sometimes easier for me to find.  Shirly from These Moments of Mine  gives you her full tutorial on how to make felted ball acorns, using the real caps for that

  3. September 7, 2015 9:06 pm

    I needed this today! Thank you so much. I’m off to go gag over a chicken carcass.. But it will be SO worth it.

  4. Carrie permalink
    November 1, 2015 6:28 pm

    Doing this as we speak…my house smells sooooo awesome. I can’t wait to see how great this tastes. Thank you!!!❤️

    • fake Name permalink
      January 6, 2017 3:52 pm

      wrie back when you tell me how it tatses cause im hunfty

  5. amie permalink
    December 28, 2015 3:42 am

    So throwing away the fat from the top! Use it to saute things. It’s free and good for you!

    • fake Name permalink
      January 6, 2017 3:53 pm

      LAdY!@! it hAs faT in THe nAmE!#%!!!!

  6. Kirk permalink
    September 24, 2016 12:53 am

    Those aren’t carrots…those are mutant, tasteless stubs that resemble carrots in color only. Seriously, side by side taste a real carrot versus one of those non carrots….there is NO comparison.

    • fake Name permalink
      January 6, 2017 3:55 pm

      FUck you I like carrots!!!!!!!! actually I don’t I just dont like other vegi tables to get picked on.

  7. fake Name permalink
    January 6, 2017 3:56 pm


    • Real Name permalink
      January 6, 2017 3:57 pm

      There’s only one

  8. May 8, 2017 10:34 pm

    My trick is to write UDATE and DLETE (missing the second letter) until I’m done writing out my command. That way, if I acldientalcy hit enter before the WHERE clause, it’s not a valid command yet.

  9. May 24, 2017 11:56 am

    Folk må slutte å være så bastante på at sånn og sånn er det.. Hvor vidt du får store biceps av isolasjonsøvelser eller kun trenger stimuli gjennom baseøvelser er helt avhengig av hvilken grunnfysikk man har! Er man lang (dvs lang muskulatur i armer) kan man nok oftere være avhengig av isolasjonsøvelser i tillegg for at armene skal gro betydelig, mens for de som er korte kan det ofte være at det holder med chins og andre roøvelser

  10. Stefania permalink
    October 5, 2019 5:28 pm

    Hi,i just discovered your recipe
    All i can say is WOW ,you take your time to explain and show in photos each step you took.
    This is such an easy recipe ,but if you do not know ,it is as difficult as any others
    I passed it to my boys (children) young family guys…
    They were happy everything is shown …and said it looks easy..
    As men ,they can cook very easy any meat on BBQ … but a soup seems to be “ complicated”
    Thank you for taking your time to explain in words and photos

  11. Barb permalink
    October 16, 2019 4:20 pm

    This post was awesome!!! You have a great sense of humour and I love the proverbs references hahahahaha love it 😂😂 praise God for handy woman in the kitchen have a great day sister.


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