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Top 10 Healthy Late-Night Snacks

November 13, 2012

If you tuned in to yesterday’s post, then you know I made the decision to override one of my rules for my healthy eating month.  I nixed the notion that it was okay to go to bed hungry.  I understand that for some people this is a crucial step to weight loss, but for me it was becoming very burdensome… especially considering I’m nursing a young baby.

So, in light of that development, I thought I’d share with you a list!

If you must eat late at night, it’s best to eat a controlled portion of something high in protein, low in carbs.  (Oh, and before you resort to munching… make sure the real problem isn’t dehydration.  Drink a big glass of water first or a cup of green tea, and then see how you feel.)


So here it is.

My Top 10 Healthy Late-Night Snacks!

1) 1/2 cup steamed, salted edamame. (High in protein and fiber and surprisingly YUMMY!  They even sell them in the freezer aisle in a steamer bag.)

2) Low-fat Greek yogurt with honey and slivered almonds. (A nice option if you’re craving something sweet; Greek yogurt is very high in protein and has healthful probiotics that aide your digestion.  Honey is extremely healthful as well!  It is a natural sweetener with anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties.)

3) A small bowl of healthy cereal with low fat milk (like Special K Protein Plus!)

4) 1 or 2 squares high quality dark chocolate. (Dark chocolate has less sugar than milk chocolate, and the increased percentage of cacao means an awesome dose of antioxidants!)

5) Celery and peanut butter. (You may have heard this but celery is a calorie-FREE snack!  If you’re craving something crunchy, it’s a great vehicle for peanut butter, which happens to be a great source of protein and healthy fats.)

6) Popcorn!  (A good option if you want to eat a lot and still take in very few calories… that is, if you skip unhealthy add-ins like butter and salt.  Try adding a dash of cinnamon, or cayenne pepper for some kick!)

7) 1/4 cup dried fruit.  (If you’re craving sweet, dried fruit is a way better choice than candy.  It is calorie-dense though, so a controlled portion is a must.  And hey, if you choose dried tart cherries, you get the added benefit of melatonin, also known as the sleep-inducing hormone. Bonus!)

8) Low-fat cottage cheese.  (A great choice!  High in protein and calcium, and low in carbs.)

9) String cheese and a V8 (Low in fat and calories, high in vitamins, just an all-around smart choice.  You know the slogan… coulda had a V8!)

10) 1 piece of fresh fruit (like an apple or pear) + a small handfull whole almonds.  (Nuts are a great way to feel fuller longer due to their protein, fiber, and healthy fats.  And the fruit will help hydrate you for minimal calories.)

I realize none of the above is nearly as fun as eating a roll of raw cookie dough with a spoon.  But at least it’ll get you through til morning.  Stay tuned, I’ve got lots more yummy and healthy tips to share before Turkey Day arrives!




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6 Comments leave one →
  1. emily cheatham permalink
    November 13, 2012 2:20 pm

    I am not a huge cottage cheese fan. Actually, I haven’t re-tried it in many years, but I’m willing to do so! Should I get small or large curd…regular or low fat? Are there any secrets to adding fruit or something to spiff it up?

    • November 13, 2012 3:51 pm

      Yes Em! I like it stirred into my favorite flavor of yogurt (vanilla flavored is especially good.) It cuts the sweetness a bit and adds some texture (hopefully the texture isn’t what bothers you about cottage cheese.) Chris likes it with applesauce, but I don’t think he mixes them together.

      I would recommend a 2% or “low-fat” cottage cheese, and it is difficult to find that in large curd. I think the extra fat in 4% makes for larger curds. So you’re kinda stuck with small curd. If you ever find a 2% large curd, let me know because I want to buy it!

  2. May 9, 2017 3:47 am

    Hey StanGreat to see you here coemtnming. Hope all is well.Thanks for your feedback and I’m sure Steve appreciates it. That is exactly why I wanted to interview him and share the story. I think a lot of people can learn from his successes

  3. May 10, 2017 2:58 pm

    That’s the best answer of all time! JMHO

  4. August 29, 2017 8:07 am

    Salam,….saya seorang ibu dari anak gadis (Aulia), saat ini anak saya kelas 3 sebuah SMA. Saya berniat meneruskan pendidikan anak saya ke luar negeri supaya nantinya lebih mandiri, namun saya tidak memiliki biaya secara berlebihan, mohon saran dan arahan. Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, saya dan suami memiliki pekerjaan tetap dengan total pendapatan per bulan Rp.15 juta rupiah.


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